Language: Nederlands / English

About Stichting Leenrecht

Stichting Leenrecht is the organization that has been designated by the Minister of Justice by agreement with the State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science and charged as a legal entity with implementing the public lending and rental rights regulations. It is authorized to collect and distribute the compensation. The articles of Stichting Leenrecht have been approved by the Minister of Justice and Stichting Leenrecht is supervised by the government through the Supervisory Commission.


Stichting Leenrecht has a governing board which is supported by five sectional boards:

  1. the documents section
  2. the audio section
  3. the video section
  4. the visual works section
  5. the multimedia section.

Every section has its own board. The governing board is charged with the total management of Stichting Leenrecht.


Bureau Stichting Leenrecht.
CEDAR B.V. is responsible for the implementation.


About Stichting Leenrecht